Our interior world has so much influence on our exterior world. When we make shifts on the inside, the outside will follow. When we connect to the inside, we will be more connected to the outside.
Yoga is a very practical method, a system which truly works. With a consistent and concious practice, infused with intention, we can remove obstacles, create space, rewire our nervous system and transform our lives.
"I feel so grateful to follow Chelsea's class. She is such a magical instructor and I can compare her as an angel, she is so generous, sweet and beautiful. The practice with her is just perfect: the songs, the flow, the time of relaxation. Chelsea is by far the best yoga teacher I have ever had. One class with her is a travel in a wonderful world."
Nazanine Fathi
"Chelsea is one of the best yoga teachers I've ever had ... Her hatha flow classes, which are extremely complete, are a perfect blend of dynamic yoga and relaxation, passionate and ultra-generous. She takes time to correct the postures of each student and give personalised advice, not to mention the perfect playlists for traveling and the little neck massage at the end of the course, I'm at the healthy warriors studio and I will not miss my classes with her under any circumstances! "
Clara Autuly
"First of all Chelsea is a beautiful person inside and out and that makes the difference. She is one of my favourite teachers. For me her classes are just perfect, very well studied and the perfect mix of dynamic and serenity..It feels like a real escape, where your mind is really disconnected. She is so graceful and focuses on how to get well aligned. Thank you Chelsea for your attention and love."
Tamara Japy
"Chelsea is my teacher and I absolutely love her. She is such a generous teacher, very loving also. I love her flow, I feel that I’m working gently but deeply. She is very connected to her students during the class. She is giving so much love and attention to each and everyone of us, that you can only feel secure and comfortable. Savasana is especially delicious in her class. Her choice of music is beautiful and powerful, full of strong beautiful vibrations. Chelsea’s class is the only yoga class where I experience strong emotions opening up. She has light and love in her heart and in her eyes, we can all feel it."
Gaëlle Brunet
"With Chelsea, I have found The Class that I need and I love it, always exactly what I need. She is a very kind and professional instructor, and I appreciate a lot the atmosphere she creates in her class, with well selected music to support yoga flow and final meditation. it's just a piece of caviar. Highly recommend!"
Isabelle Quiriet
"Dear Chelsea, I am so touched and connected to your magical miracle class, "meditation in movement"powerful & energising yoga class. Your guidance leads me deep within myself. Your yoga class is always UNIQUE and POWERFULLY POSITIVE!
Thank you dear angel."
Naomi Dagort